Wood Pecker Wisdom; Lessons in Persistence & Trusting in Abundance
Keep Flying Painting by Addie Hirschten
This spring my family has been blessed to have a family of woodpeckers call our backyard their home. I’ve been able to identify two adults and two young ones. They fly from tree to tree and peck away searching for their next meal. Woodpeckers make their appearance each time I walk in nature or my neighborhood as well. Listening to the subtle spiritual lessons that nature can give me, I have wondered, “What does the woodpecker have to teach me?”
The answer for me is persistence, resilience, and trust in abundance. Where do I find my sustenance? Is it in this place or is it in another? The truth is it is in multiple places. Do I have the persistence and dedication to keep pecking away in search of it? Even if I cannot see the fruits of my labor, as it lies beneath, do I trust that it is there?
I imagine that woodpeckers do not spend any of their precious energy on such wonderings. They simply go about their work of flying and pecking at trees. They do not doubt that there will be something of sustenance for them. They simply know it is there. Perhaps if after pecking away at something for a long time to not discover any tasty treats, they will simply try another tree. Seems simple, right? If only we as humans could be so trusting and not waste any of our precious mental energy on fear of scarcity, on not being enough, or fear that our efforts will go unrewarded.
This is another lesson woodpecker can teach us. Use your energy wisely. Spread your wings and get to work. Focus on what is yours to do. Trust you will find what it is you are looking for. Be open to receiving the fruits of your endeavors.