How Addictive Behaviors Can Be About Meeting a Need.

Persephone Descending Painting by Addie Hirschten

I sometimes work with people who are struggling with some form of addictive behavior. Most often, the desire to quit the behavior is a part of why people are seeking help. They often know that they need healthier coping skills, but are uncertain what those are.

Understanding the root cause of why you engage in certain behaviors is crucial for making the healthy shift you desire for your life. Some of the more common underlying reasons people engage addictive behaviors are:

  1. The need to reduce stress.  

  2. The need to relax.

  3. The need to cope with unresolved pain, whether that is physical, emotional, or mental.

  4. The need to manage social anxiety.

  5. The need to let go of control and have fun.

  6. The need for connection and inclusion with others.

Suppose the behavior is helping a person fulfill these basic social and emotional necessities. In that case, it will be hard to let go of the desire to engage until a person discovers other ways to meet their needs. Once someone becomes self-aware about how their relationship with the behavior meets their needs, we can examine alternative ways of meeting them. 

Discovering healthy ways to relax and let go, reduce stress, manage anxiety, find fulfilling connections with others, and address the pain a person carries is an essential part of this journey. These skills need to be incorporated into the pathway toward lessening addictive behaviors.

Remember, this journey can be challenging. There may be times when you feel tempted to revert to old habits, and that's okay. What's important is that you keep moving forward, learning from each experience, and staying committed to your process. Learning healthy strategies and developing new skills that can support you in reaching your goals is worth it because you are worth it!  


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